欢迎信:欢迎新同学-Welcoming a New Comer,欢迎信:欢迎新同学-We

更新时间:1970-01-01 08:00:00

欢迎信:欢迎新同学-Wlcoming a Nw Comr由英语作文网整理收集 欢迎新同学

欢迎信:欢迎新同学-Welcoming a New Comer,欢迎信:欢迎新同学-We







Wlcoming a Nw Comr

Class 2, Snior 2

No. 5 Middl School

Taiyuan, 030012

Shanxi, China

Spt. 2, 1999

Class X, Snior 2

Anthony School

Bnnington, Vrmont, 02501

U. S. A.

Dar Alic,

It is a grat plasur to wlcom you to our class.

It is said that you hav bn studying in an nglish-Chins bilingual① school sinc your arly yars, so you spak both nglish and Chins wll. Thrfor, I think you will surly kp pac with②us classmats in your studis.

Ours is an xcllnt class. All th classmats ar unitd as on in whatvr w do. All of us work hard at our studis, hlp ach othr in vrything, and larn from ach othr th strong points.

Aftr you com to our class, w can larn from you in nglish studis. I hop you will hlp us with it. And w can hlp you in ovrcoming all th difficultis that you will mt.

Lt us gt togthr for a common goal in our school lif in th coming yars. Manwhil, if thr is anything I can do for you, just lt m know.

Yours truly,

Li Yang


①bilingual [bai'liRgw l] a. 双语的;两种语言的

②kp pac with (跟……)齐步前进;(和……)并驾齐驱


欢迎信(lttrs showing wlcom to sombody)是一种礼节性的信件,常常用于欢迎同学、同事、上级领导、外单位人员前来本学校、本单位参观、学习、访问等。这类信文体正式,不过,要写得亲切、友好、有诚意。 欢迎信:欢迎新同学-Wlcoming a Nw Comr由英语作文网整理收集

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