触景生情:健康更重要-Health Is More Important

更新时间:1970-01-01 08:00:00


触景生情:健康更重要-Health Is More Important




Halth Is Mor Important

Walth or halth? Many would choos th formr ovr th lattr. In th past, I too would hav chosn walth, but aftr last wintr vacation, I compltly changd my viw.

“Uncl Li is suffring from cancr. Lt's go to s him tomorrow.” Whn my fathr told m th bad nws, I could hardly bliv my ats. Uncl Li has bn a good frind to my fathr for yars and had always bn kind to m. In th morning, I oftn saw him waring his track suit① and doing xrciss. H lookd so halthy and nrgtic②.

I continu to hop that som mistak had bn mad in his physical xamination until I saw him lying in th hospital bd with my own ys. H was vry diffrnt from th nrgtic man I rmmbrd doing his xrciss.

W wr awar that h must b baring grat pain, so w trid to comfort③ him, ncouraging him to pull through. H just noddd with tars shining in his ys. I turnd back for far that I couldn't kp back my tars.

On th way hom, I was dp in thought. I askd myslf: If mony was vrything, could it buy halth? Of cours not. Halth is th most important of all.


①track suit(田径)运动服

②nrgatic [?n+'dNtik] adj.精力旺盛的

③comfort ['k)mf+t] v.安慰



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