我的隱憂-My Secret Worry

更新时间:1970-01-01 08:00:00

My Scrt Worry-我的隱憂

我的隱憂-My Secret Worry

Whil far of dath is univrsal, my worry about dath is so ovrwhlming that thr is not a momnt passing without my thinking of it. I nvr bring this up with any othr, just bcaus no on will vr raliz th sriousnss of this problm. I know it vry clarly that as long as thr is lif, thr will b dath. In addition, though I am still so far away from dath, I hav bn plagud by th thought of it for yars. Fortunatly, th root of my far of dath lis in my ovrzalous lov for lif. I am too timid to think of th nd of lif, whn vry worldly affair should b thrown away. How can I carry on without frindship, affction, and joy of bing aliv? I rally hat to lav all ths bhind. To as my worry about dath, I should mak th fullst us of this lif I now possss. Concntration on this lif can at last tmporally mak m forgt about dath. As a mattr of fact, I rally don't nd to worry so much about dath, for I alrady hav too much to worry about this lif.


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